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Постер к треку Karel Kalas, Bohumír Vích, Zdeněk Otava, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jan Hus Tichý - The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, Act II, Scene 4: "Prosecutor! Who Are the Witnesses of the Truth of Your Words?" (Volfram Olbramovič, Jíra, Jan Tausendmark)

Karel Kalas, Bohumír Vích, Zdeněk Otava, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milan Malý, Jan Hus Tichý - The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, Act II, Scene 4: "Prosecutor! Who Are the Witnesses of the Truth of Your Words?" (Volfram Olbramovič, Jíra, Jan Tausendmark)

2024 •  Классическая музыка •  SUPRAPHON a.s.